dm POS iPad Concept

Master Dissertation / Prototyping

The subject of my master's dissertation was "strategies to improve the customer experience with mobile applications".

Within the practical part of my dissertation I analyzed the iPad menu as well as the navigation concepts and their impact on a positive user experience in retail stores. For this, I tested two iPad prototypes in dm markets.

Year: 2013
Collaboration: Together with oddity
Tasks: Paper incl. empirical study (A-B-test, user interviews, questionnaires, etc.), design and implementation iPad prototypes
image: iPad prototypes: A-B-Test

iPad prototypes: A-B-Test navigation concepts

image: iPad prototype 1: start screen with first category

iPad prototype 1 - spread menu (metro ui):
start screen with first category

image: iPad prototype 1: submenu category baby & children

iPad prototype 1 - spread menu (metro ui):
submenu category baby & children (1 touch necessary)

image: iPad prototype 2: start screen with all categorie

iPad prototype 2 - central menu:
start screen with all categories

image: iPad prototype 2: submenu category baby & children

iPad prototype 2 - central menu:
submenu category baby & children (2 touches necessary)

image: testing preparation: questionaries

testing preparation: questionnaires

image: testing environment: dm market

testing environment: dm market