dm Unverträglich­keiten Beratungsspecial

Special / Storyboarding

This special was developed for those, who suffer from an intolerance towards lactose, fructose or gluten. dm customers have access to information about their intolerance, possible recipes or animated education videos.

Year: 2015
Agency: oddity
Aufgaben: Layout, Conception + Storyboarding + Art Direction Animations
Online: dm Website
image: screen category fructose: header

Category fructose: header

image: screen category lactose: informations

Category lactose: informations

image: screen category gluten: tipps

Category gluten: tipps

image: PDF: print out food tables

PDF download: print out food tables

image: Animation intestine: storyboard

Animation intestine: storyboard

image: Animation intestine: still final realization from external illustrator

Animation intestine: still final realization from external illustrator

image: Animation gluten: storyboard

Animation gluten: storyboard

image: Animation gluten: still final realization from external illustrator

Animation gluten: still final realization from external illustrator